What does it Take to Become a Web Hosting Reseller?

What does it Take to Become a Web Hosting Reseller?

What does it Take to Become a Web Hosting Reseller?

The web hosting industry has evolved leaps and bounds over the last few years with businesses (big and small) focusing on increasing their online presence. While many hosting companies have tried to make up for the increased demand for hosting services, resellers have had their fair share of the market too. With a smaller client-base, flexible hosting packages, and better service, hosting resellers have managed to source enough business to stay profitable. If you are thinking about joining the hosting reseller business, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will share some important points about what it takes to become a web hosting reseller.

How to become a web hosting reseller?

Here are some important points to keep in mind to become a web hosting reseller:

1. Learn some Basics

If you are a complete newbie to the world of websites and web hosting, or if you are a web designer/ developer foraying into hosting to offer a complete package to your clients, you must spend some time to understand the basics of web hosting. Look at the various technologies used, basic processes, and try to understand the complete scope of the business.

2. Equip Yourself

As a hosting reseller, you would need the following:

  • A powerful computer to run the reseller business – If you like mobility, then invest in a good laptop
  • A high-speed internet connection – Again, for mobility, look for portable internet devices
  • A contact number where your clients can reach you – Some resellers prefer having separate numbers for business and personal use. Take your pick
  • Legal documentation allowing you to start the business
  • Bank account with an internet banking facility
  • A payment gateway and other affiliations, allowing you to accept payments via debit/credit cards, digital wallets, etc.

3. Buy a Reseller Hosting Plan from a Reliable Web Host

This is an important step in the process of setting up your reseller hosting business. As a reseller, you purchase a reseller hosting plan from a web host, create customized packages, and sell them to your clients. Hence, it is important to consider all aspects before you buy Reseller Hosting. While the price of the plan is an obvious consideration, look for features like:

  • A well-reputed web host
  • State-of-the-art data centre with the latest hardware and software
  • 24x7x365 technical support
  • Availability of your preferred platform – Linux or Windows
  • An easy-to-use control panel and a multi-features account management software (WHMCS, etc.)

Remember, the performance of your hosting packages depends on the performance of the web host. Hence, ensure that you check all boxes before buying.

4. Create a Sample Site

Once you have purchased the plan, take it for a test drive. Create a sample site with all variations that you can think of. Move around the control panel and accounting software and understand all the options available to you. It is important to be comfortable with the interface before you start your business.

5. Price your hosting packages carefully

This is an important step again. The web hosting industry is highly competitive. In fact, you can find hosting plans that charge as low as $0.99 per year and others that charge hundreds of dollars! In such a market, pricing your packages can play an important role in catching the attention of your target clients. Remember, cheap is not always good. Hence, don’t try to make your plans cheaper, hoping that it will get you hundreds of clients. People know that a good hosting plan costs money. Keep the pricing reasonable and in sync with the resources offered.

6. Create Documents

Right from agreements and terms and conditions of your service to the welcome email and many other documents that you can share with your clients in due course of business requires some preparation too. Do a quick research online and try to create the most commonly needed documents before you start reselling.

Summing Up

Reseller Hosting can be a profitable business if you plan it right and enter the market completely prepared. The points mentioned above can help you get ready to launch your hosting services and establish your business. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to mention them in the comments below. Good Luck!